The following infographics were created by the United States Department of Agriculture and published in the Ladies’ Home Journal circa 1915. “What am I Feeding My Family?” (directly below) was created by C.F. Langworthy (1864-1932), a chemist who according to his obituary, “was for many years, one of the foremost workers on America nutritional problems.” He eventually became the chief of the Office of Home Economics, the predecessor of the Bureau of Home Economics where he ran an experimental kitchen focused on studying household foods.

Infographic from 1915 displaying the nutritional breakdown of commonly used cooking ingredients.


Also from 1915, this infographic from the USDA educates readers how to determine the freshness of eggs for cooking.

Dr. C.F. langworthy dies. 1932. The Washington Post (1923-1954), Mar 05, 1932.
“How You Can Tell a Fresh Egg.” Ladies’ Home Journal, January 1915, 35.
Langworthy, C.F. “What am I feeding my family?” Ladies’ Home Journal, April 1915, 23.